“Dying is Easy. Comedy is Very Hard.” 

As the days pass and the nights and the mornings 
We place the comedy masks over our faces 
And the stage is set and the choir sings 
And the bell always 

As the curtain opens and the audience and the spotlights 
We blind ourselves to perform 
And the act begins and the director smites 
And the crowd always 

As the trap doors open and the falling and the “quickly!” 
We plummet into the desolate darkness 
And we land with a crack and the masks break off cleanly 
And our faces show always 

The Shell (Lost at Sea) 

A simple gesture 
You handed me a shell you found 
Far from any body of water 
It was out of place 
My judgment began to blur 
I quivered with my muscles astir 
This empty little home from the ground 
With no occupant around 
I kept the shell, like pirate treasure 
Wondering what this gift did infer 
But there was only a smile on my face 

I listened to the ocean 
With the shell to my ear, I heard 
Us, out at sea, our adventure began 
The ship did not seem to float; it flies 
Across the water my eyes did always scan 
You at my side, a face so genuine 
Something shrilled out like a dying bird 
“Help!” was the only recognizable word 
We rushed to the sound, as fast as the boat can 
To someone drowning; I reached out a hand 
I was looking into my own eyes 

I never listen to the shell anymore 
It is now back where it belongs 
Because now at sea, the rain will pour 
But now everything is upside-down 
And I sometimes leave the shore 
Wondering alone like an unsolved metaphor 
The whales fly along, singing sad songs 
Melodies trying to right the wrongs 
My boat sits in the sky, an unwanted visitor 
You struggle to swim in the vast, blue corridor 
In the clouds, you drown 

The Lie 

Protected with flimsy armor 
Attached with plucked heartstrings 
Only attracted by a snake charmer 
Only flying with gilded wings 

Sift through carefully chosen words 
To make the story fall together 
One stone for many birds 
One would not rustle a feather 

Protected from the certainty 
By being fed only lies 
Only given courtesy 
Only paper doll allies 

Who We Are. Who Are We? 

This image will not leave 
Eyelids have become light-sensitive emulsion 
With a face burned there, slightly overexposed 
I knew I should have looked away 
A crafted reality trying to weave 
For my mental state will decay 
Thinking solely on compulsion 
Leading my heart to an inevitable convulsion 
Ignoring my blatant revulsion 
Our lives have been superimposed 

Just the kind of person you would loathe 
Against all I wish I could become 
I would change 
For the eternal embrace of an ampersand 
The intrusion of a Hippocratic Oath 
Criticism I could stand 
Claiming to be numb 
Accusatory pointing fingers, rule of thumb 
Impossible to escape from 
It is less painful to just learn to estrange 

Homage to the Tenth 

Watching as the ghosts stumble home again 
And discarded calendar pages become 
Impromptu, suburban tumble weeds 
Embrace all that is gray and profane 
Experience the quotient instead of the sum 
Watching as the big wig bleeds 
Watching as the tears fall like colored plastic beads 

Waiting as the cars speed toward red lights 
And inquire why nothing 
Ever seems to let us go 
Wager your wars and copyrights 
With courage and hearts that sing 
Waiting as the dotted lines to treasure show 
Waiting as the bleak, serifed “x” becomes the foe 

Watching as the world gets down on its knees 
And not just for mercy 
But for it is naturally a whore 
Embrace the holiest disease 
Experience the loneliness of the philosophic nursery 
Watching as the detective won’t find clues to look for 
Watching as the bugs still fly into the abandoned screen door 

Waiting as the kids give up their hand-me-down toys 
And line up to permanently leave 
Their carefree childhood and riant recess 
Wish to perish with the most perfect poise 
Walk empty streets to find what to believe 
Waiting as the inepts learn finesse 
Waiting as the maniacs find new obsessions to possess 

Watching as the dead man’s pockets are emptied 
And its contents are misread 
Because eyes are so hard to find 
Everyone goes unpitied 
Each new life told to be nonunique and misled 
Watching as the seers become blind 
Watching as the saviors leave the disciples behind 
Watching as I finally lose my mind 

Let My Ribbons Travel To Far Off Oceans 

When they say it was such a shame 
To live with such doubt and despair 
What they really mean is 
That they don’t care 
Some people just can’t inject the fame 
To finally get out and repair 
Floating on the champagne fizz 
As flashbulbs stare 

Getting lost in a blur of faces 
With the feelings of loneliness and irrelevance  
To eat but never savor 
Life’s true decadence  
If only by your good graces 
I would strive for homeliness and opulence 
Sculpt my own savior 
And fake repentance 

Maybe I’m just what I thought 
A tangled mess of veins and emotions 
Thus; I unravel 
A pile of thin devotions 
Sift through me for the strings you sought 
Stymied by pains and motivations 
Then let my ribbons travel 
To far off oceans 

The Season 

Spring was finally freed 
I could feel the shattered remains of winter 
Fall through me, and I bleed 
I bleed honey and nectar 

A feast for the bugs returning 
To swim in my arteries and clog my veins 
Fill my heart and keep me yearning 
For life and attractive remains 

A sound from outside arrives 
Might be the churning sea for someone elsewhere 
Or just the turnpike with midnight drives 
Maybe going nowhere 

They shout from the mountain tops 
That I have to keep going, that I can get a finale 
But my movement always stops 
Because I'm still down in a valley 

The insects fill up this part 
This usual organ almost seems to pump again 
I just want to start 
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